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Why Eating Salmon Helps Decrease Those Fine Lines

Yes – not only is salmon delicious and good for you, it’s also great for your skin!  In fact, salmon is an anti-wrinkle food par excellence!  It provides an excellent source of omega 3-fatty acids — those are the type of fatty acids that are often in short supply in Western diets and oh, so important!  Omega-3’s help moisturize the skin and protect it from UV damage both of which help with premature aging and wrinkles.

It’s not just the omega-3’s however – salmon contains another interesting anti-wrinkle nutrient:  astaxanthin.  Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that gives salmon it’s pretty pink color and is a powerful antioxidant that has shown to scavenge free radicals created by skin exposed to ultraviolet rays!

To get the most benefit from salmon, be sure and look for wild salmon .. not only does it have higher levels of Astaxanthin but it has far fewer PCB’s which are harmful chemicals often found in farmed salmon.   Of course, as with all things, you should consume salmon in moderation.  The FDA recommends eating fish twice a week so go out and order that salmon on date night – your skin will thank you!

Salmon is a great way to help decrease those fine lines but to see quick long lasting results, Bellafill is the answer! The collagen gel in Bellafill provides immediate volume and lift to correct wrinkles. Also, effectiveness and patient satisfaction rates of Bellafill have been established through 5 years when used to correct nasolabial folds.

To consult a physician about getting Bellafill click here

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